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MAIMONIDES Mishne Tora Libro Torah Book Spanish & Hebrew RAMBAM Española &Hebreo For Sale

MAIMONIDES Mishne Tora Libro Torah Book Spanish & Hebrew RAMBAM Española &Hebreo
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MAIMONIDES Mishne Tora Libro Torah Book Spanish & Hebrew RAMBAM Española &Hebreo:

Ha\'RAMBAM -Mishne TorahBookSpanish & Hebrew
Large, Hard Cover,Brand New,Printed in Israel, 329 pagesNice and easy to read, written in Hebrew with page to page Spanish (español)translationIncludes additions for the Torah and Jewish laws (Halachot) byRabbi Moshe Ben maimon(Maimonides)
Maimonides (Ha\'Rambam)Mishne Tora LibroEspañol& Hebreo
Grande, tapa dura, agradable y fácil de leer, nuevo, impreso en Israel, 329 páginasDimensiones -Tamaño/ Size (L x A) : 9 x 6.3 inch / 23 x 16 cmPeso / Weight : 2.2 Lbs / 1 KG
Shipping from Israel, arrival time 2- 5 weeks
.Envío de Israel, tiempo de llegada de 2- 5 semanas

ElMishné Torá( משנה תורה) es un código de ley judía hecho por una de las autoridades judías más importantes, elRabino Moshé Ben Maimón, mejor conocido comoMaimónideso por la abreviatura hebrea \"Rambam\". El Mishné Torá fue compilada entre 1170 y 1180, mientras él vivía enEgipto, y es considerado como una de las mayores obras de Maimónides.

El Mishné Torá es una compilación sistemática de todas las opiniones normativas de lahalajáó ley judía, que incorpora material delTalmudy sus comentarios. Fue escrita en hebreo sencillo, similar al de laMishná.

Organización de la obra
  1. \"Sefer HaMadá\" (Libro del Conocimiento), trata sobre los conocimientos básicos y principales de la Torá la cual son la base de ella.
  2. \"Sefer Ahavá\" (Libro del Amor), trata sobre las leyes que cada judío debe observar como testimonio de su fe y amor al Creador.
  3. \"Sefer Zemaním\" (Libro de los Tiempos), trata sobre las festividades judías.
  4. \"Sefer Nashím\" (Libro de las Mujeres), trata de leyes de matrimonio.
  5. \"Sefer Kedushá\" (Libro de la Santidad), trata sobre las relaciones sexuales prohiofferas, y productos de alimentación prohiofferos. Se llama así porque por estos mandamientos Israel es santificado y diferenciado de otras naciones.
  6. \"Sefer HaFlaá\" (Libro de la Separación), trata sobre promesas y juramentos, y se le llama así porque el que hace una promesa es separado por su promesa de otros.
  7. \"Sefer Zeraim\" (Libro de la Semillas), trata de las leyes y preceptos con relación a la agricultura de Israel.
  8. \"Sefer Avoda\" (Libro del Servicio Divino), trata sobre todo el trabajo del Templo y su adoración y las ofrendas comunitarias.
  9. \"Sefer Korbanot\" (Libro de los Sacrificios), trata de las leyes para ofrendas privadas que se llevaban al Templo, excepto aquellos de la comunidad entera.
  10. \"Sefer Tahrah\" (Libro de la Pureza), trata de las reglas de la pureza ritual.
  11. \"Sefer Nezikin\" (Libro de los Daños), trata del derecho penal.
  12. \"Sefer Kinian\" (Libro de la Adquisición), trata de las leyes de compra y la venta.
  13. \"Sefer Mishpatim\" (Libro de los Juicios), trata del derecho civil.
  14. \"Sefer Shoftim\" (Libro de los Jueces), trata de las prescripciones acerca de los magistrados, el Sanhedrin, el rey, los jueces, así como los deberes que ellos deben realizar y las prerrogativas de las cuales ellos disfrutan.

TheMishneh Torah(Hebrew: משנה תורה, \"Repetition of the Torah\") subtitledSefer Yad HaHazaka(ספר יד החזקה \"Book of the Strong Hand,\") is acodeofJewishreligious law(Halakha) authored byMaimonides(RabbiMoshe ben Maimon, also known asRaMBaMor \"Rambam\"), one of history\'s foremost rabbis. TheMishneh Torahwas compiled between 1170 and 1180 (4930–4940), while Maimonides was living inEgypt, and is regarded as Maimonides\'magnum opus. Accordingly, later sources simply refer to the work as \"Maimon\", \"Maimonides\" or \"RaMBaM\", although Maimonides composed other works.

Mishneh Torahconsists of fourteen books, subdivided into sections, chapters, and paragraphs. It is the onlyMedieval-era work that details all of Jewish observance, including those laws that are only applicable when theHoly Templeis in existence, and remains an important work in Judaism.

  1. Sefer HaMada\'(Madda, Book of Knowledge):
    1. Yesodei ha-Torah: Belief inGodand otherJewish principles of faith
    2. De\'ot: general proper behavior
    3. Talmud Torah: seeTorah study
    4. Avodah Zarah: the prohibition againstidolatry
    5. Teshuvah: the law and philosophy ofrepentance
  2. Ahavah(Love): the precepts which must be observed at all times if the love due to God is to be remembered continually (prayer,tefillin).
  3. Zemanim(Times):
    1. Shabbat
    2. Eruvin, a Rabbinic device that facilitates Sabbath observance
    3. Yom Tov: prohibitions on majorJewish holidaysthat are different from the prohibitions of Sabbath
    4. Shevitat `Asor: laws ofYom Kippur, except for the Temple service (seeAvodat Yom ha-Kippurim, below)
    5. Hametz u-Matza: seePassover
    6. Shofar ve-Lulav ve-Sukkah: seeRosh HashanahandSukkot
    7. Hanukah u-Megillah: seeHanukkahandPurim
  4. Nashim(Women):
  5. Kedushah(Holiness)
  6. Hafla\'ah(Separation): laws of vows and oaths
  7. Zera\'im(Seeds): agricultural laws
  8. Avodah(Divine Service): the laws of theTemple in Jerusalem
  9. Sefer TaharahHebrew: ספר תורה(Cleanness): the rules ofritual purity
  10. Sefer NezikinHebrew: ספר נזיקין; (Injuries): criminal and tort law
  11. Sefer QinyanHebrew: ספר קנין;(Acquisition): laws of the marketplace)
  12. Sefer Mishpatim(Hebrew: ספר משפטים; Rights): civil law
  13. Sefer Shoftim (Hebrew: ספר שופטים;Judges): the laws relating legislators, theSanhedrin, the king, and the judges. It also addresses theNoahide Lawsand those pertaining to messianic times.

Mosheh ben Maimon calledMoses MaimonidesorRaMBaM(Hebrew acronym for \"RabbiMoshehBenMaimon\"), was a preeminent medievalSpanish,Sephardic Jewishphilosopher,astronomerand one of the most prolific and influentialTorahscholars and physiciansof theMiddle Ages. He was born EmpireonPassover Eve, 1135, and died inEgypton December 12, 1204. He was arabbi,physician, andphilosopherinMoroccoandEgypt.

Although his writings on Jewish law and ethics were met with acclaim and gratitude from most Jews, even as far off as Iraq and Yemen, and he rose to be the revered head of theJewish community in Egypt, there were also vociferous critics of some of his writings, particularly in Spain. Nevertheless, he was posthumously acknowledged to be one of the foremost rabbinicalarbitersand philosophers inJewish history, his copious work comprising a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship. His fourteen-volumeMishneh Torahstill carries significant canonical authority as a codification ofTalmudiclaw. In theYeshivaworld he is known as \"haNesher haGadol\" (the great eagle) in recognition of his outstanding status as abona fideexponent of theOral Torah.

Maimonides\'s Mishneh Torahis considered by traditionalist Jews even today as one of the chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics. It is exceptional for its logical construction, concise and clear expression and extraordinary learning, so that it became a standard against which other later codifications were often measured.It is still closely studied in Rabbinic yeshivot (academies). A popular medieval saying that also served as hisepitaphstates,FromMosheh(of the Torah) to Mosheh (Maimonides) there was none like Mosheh.It chiefly referred to his Rabbinic writings.

But Maimonides was also one of the most influential figures in medieval Jewish philosophy. His brilliant adaptation of Aristotelian thought to Biblical faith deeply impressed later Jewish thinkers, and had an unexpected immediate historical impact.Some more acculturated Jews in the century that followed his death, particularly in Spain, sought to apply Maimonides\'s Aristotelianism in ways that undercut traditionalist belief and observance, giving rise to an intellectual controversy in Spanish and southern French Jewish circles.The intensity of debate spurred Catholic Church interventions against \"heresy\" and even a general confiscation of Rabbinic texts. In reaction, the more radical interpretations of Maimonides were defeated, and at least amongst Ashkenazi Jews, there was a tendency to ignore his specifically philosophical writings and to stress instead the Rabbinic and halachic writings. These writings often included considerable philosophical chapters or discussions in support of halachic observance; David Hartman observes that Maimonides clearly expressed \"the traditional support for a philosophical understanding of God both in the Aggadah of Talmud and in the behavior of the hasid [the pious Jew].\" Maimonidean thought continues to influence traditionally observant Jews.

The most rigorous medieval critique of Maimonides isHasdai Crescas\'Or Adonai. Crescas bucked the eclectic trend, by demolishing the certainty of the Aristotelian world-view, not only in religious matters but also in the most basic areas of medieval science (such as physics and geometry). Crescas\' critique provoked a number of 15th-century scholars to write defenses of Maimonides. A partial translation of Crescas was produced byHarry Austryn WolfsonofHarvard Universityin 1929.

Because of his path-finding synthesis of Aristotle and Biblical faith, Maimonides had a fundamental influence on the great Christian theologianSaint Thomas Aquinas.Aquinas refers specifically to Maimonides in several of his works, including theCommentary on the Sentences.

WithMishneh Torah, Maimonides composed a code ofJewish lawwith the widest-possible scope and depth. The work gathers all the binding laws from theTalmud, and incorporates the positions of theGeonim(post-Talmudic early Medieval scholars, mainly fromMesopotamia).

from wikipedia

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MAIMONIDES Mishne Tora Libro Torah Book Spanish & Hebrew RAMBAM Española &Hebre


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MAIMONIDES Mishne Tora Libro Torah Book Spanish & Hebrew RAMBAM Española Hebreo


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