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A truly unique and wonderfulcollection of over 140 rare, out-of-print books, manuals and documents compiledtogether for the first time on DVD DATA DISC covering all aspects of TELEPATHY,MIND CONTROL & PSYCHIC SCIENCE.

Discover the principles oftelepathy and thought transference. Read about hypnotism, suggestivetherapeutics and mind control. Explore methods of psychic influence and studytechniques and applications of occult psychology, psychometry and other psychicphenomena. Included in this astonishing collection is 40 years (1884 – 1924) of“The Journal of the Society for Psychical Research”, providing a wealth ofinformation on all things psychic. Some of the books within thiscollection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library ofreference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in telepathy,mind control, thought transference and psychic science. The full list of titlesincluded speaks for itself….

This superb compilation ofover 140 vintage books on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages ofgreat content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of thebooks have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format -easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone,kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most ofthe books are written in English with several additional texts in German.

This is without doubt themost extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time byrare-book-collections, and only available here!

The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

A course ofpractical psychic instruction - Psychic research Co.(1891)

A friendly chatand plain talk about mind reading - P. A. Cochran (1905)

A scientificdemonstration of the future life - T. J. Hudson (1903)

A series oflessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration,will-power and practical mental science - W. W. Atkinson (1901)

Athought-reader's thoughts, being the impressions and confessions of StuartCumberland - S. C. Cumberland (1888)

Adventuringsin the psychical - H. A. Bruce (1914)

Anencyclopaedia of occultism - a compendium of information on the occultsciences, occult personalities, psychic science, magic, demonology, spiritismand mysticism - L. Spence (1920)

An explanationof psychic phenomena, the more excellent way - Rellimeo (1911)

Annualaddress of the president of the American society for psychical research - S.Newcomb (1886)

Apparitionsand thought-transference, an examination of the evidence for telepathy - F.Podmore (1896)

Are the deadalive? - F. Rider (1909)

Beyond - H.S. Hubbard (1896)

Beyond theborderline of life - G. Myers (1910)

Book ofknowledge, psychic facts - N. Beighle (1911)

Book of thePsychic Society - a study of the fourteen unseen powers that control human life- E. Shaftesbury (1908)

Borderland ofpsychical research - J. H. Hyslop (1906)

Can telepathyexplain - results of psychical research - M. J. Savage (1902)

Clairvoyanceand occult powers - S. Panchadasi (1916)

Clairvoyanceand thought-transference - L. W. De Laurence (1916)

Contact withthe other world; the latest evidence as to communication with the dead - J. H.Hyslop (1919)

Enigmas ofpsychical research - J. H. Hyslop (1906)

Experimentalpsychology - A. De Monco (1922)

ExperimentelleStudien auf dem Gebiete der Gedankenübertragung und des sogenannten Hellsehens- C. Richet (1891)

Experimentsin psychical science - levitation, contact, and the direct voice - W. J.Crawford (1919)

Fact andfable in psychology - J. Jastrow (1901)

Facts inclairvoyance, extracted from the Zoistwith observations on mesmerism, and its application to the philosophy ofmedicine, and to the cure of disease - J. Ashburner (1848)

Handbook ofsuggestive therapeutics, applied hypnotism, psychic science - H. S. Munro(1913)

How to speakwith the dead; a practical handbook - Sciens (pseud.) (1918)

Inferencesfrom haunted houses and haunted men - J. W. Harris (1901)

Is Telepathy,or Psychic Transmission, a Fact or a Delusion - J. D. Quackenbos (1912)

Journal ofthe Society for Psychical Research Vols. 1 - 21 (1884-1924)

Kirbye'soriginal second-sight mystery and pretended clairvoyance exposed - G. B. Kirbye(1855)

Leshallucinations télépathiques - N. Vaschide(1908)

Lesphénomènes télépathiques et le secret de l'au-delà - D. Lodiel (1903)

Life anddestiny - L. Denis (1919)

Lifting theveil; how you yourself may acquire mystic power and develop mind, body andspirit - P. Wahletka (1923)

L'inconnu.The unknown - C. Flammarion (1900)

Man and hisrelations, illustrating the influence of the mind on the body - S. B. Brittan(1865)

Manual ofpsychometry - J. R. Buchanan (1885)

Metapsychicalphenomena - methods and observations - J. Maxwell (1905)

Mind reading- P. Frazer (1875)

Mind-readingand beyond - W. A. Hovey (1885)

Mysteriouspsychic forces - C. Flammarion (1907)

Nature's secrets;or, Psychometric researches - W. Denton (1863)

Occultpsychology - G. Brown (1919)

On the cosmicrelations - H. Holt (1915)

Our hiddenforces (La psychologie inconnue) - an experimental study of the psychicsciences - E. Boirac (1917)

Peeps intothe psychic world; the occult influence of jewels and many other things - M. M.Crawford (1915)

Personalityand Telepathy - F. C. Constable (1911)

Phantasms ofthe living - E. Gurney (1918)

Phenomena ofmaterialisation, a contribution to the investigation of mediumisticteleplastics - A von Schrenck-Notzing (1923)

Practicalmental influence and mental fascination - W. W. Atkinson (1908)

Practicalmind reading; a course of lessons on thought-transference, telepathy,mental-currents, mental rapport, etc. - W. W. Atkinson (1908)

Practicaloccultism - W. W. Kenilworth (1921)

Practicalpsychomancy and crystal gazing - a course of lessons on the psychic phenomenaof distant sensing, clairvoyance, psychometry, crystal gazing, etc. - W.Atkinson (1908)

Practicalviews on psychic phenomena - G. E. Wright (1920)

Psychicphenomena in the light of the Bible; a treatise on the philosophy ofnon-medicinal healing and other psychic phenomena - J. H. Sowerby (1905)

Psychicphenomena, science and immortality - H. Frank (1916)

Psychical andsupernormal phenomena - P. Joire (1916)

Psychicalexperiences, a diary of 1891 - S. E. Post (1893)

Psychicalinvestigations - some personally-observed proofs of survival - J. A. Hill(1917)

Psychicalmiscellanea, being papers on psychical research, telepathy, hypnotism,Christian science, etc. - J. A. Hill (1920)

Psychicalphenomena and the war - H. Carrington (1918)

Psychicalresearch - W. Barrett (1911)

Psychicalresearch and survival - J. H. Hyslop (1913)

Psychicalresearch and the Resurrection - J. H. Hyslop (1908)

Psychicalresearch for the plain man - S. M. Kingford (1920)

Psychicalscience and Christianity, a problem of the XXth century - E. K. Bates (1909)

Psychics -facts and theories - M. J. Savage (1893)

Psychism;analysis of things existing - P. Gibier (1899)

Psychologyand psychic culture - R. P. Halleck (1895)

Psychology asa natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena - C. G.Raue (1889)

Psychomancy -spirit-rappings and table-tippings exposed - C. G. Page (1853)

Psychometry -its science and law of unfoldment - J. C. Grumbine (1898)

Psychometryand thought-transference, with practical hints for experiments - H. S. Olcott(1887)

Revelations -mental telepathy, thought transference, mind reading, second sight, hypnotismetc., etc., how it is done, and how to do it - The Wardmaster (1921)

Second sight,or, Deuteroscopia - W. Brown (1876)

Seeing theInvisible - Practical Studies in Psychometry, Thought Transference, Telepathy,and Allied Phenomena - J. Coates (1906)

Sorcellerie,magnétisme, morphinisme, délire des grandeurs - P. Regnard (1887)

Spiritism,hypnotism and telepathy as involved in the case of Mrs. Leonora E. Piper andthe Society of psychical research - C. Bell (1902)

Studies inpsychical research - F. Podmore (1897)

Studies inthe out-lying fields of psychic science - H. Tuttle (1889)

Telepathy -J. C. F. Grumbine (1910)

Telepathy -W. Carington (1918)

Telepathy andthe subliminal self - an account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism,automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena - R. O. Mason (1897)

TelepathyWith Cards - E. Ward (1910)

Telepathy,genuine and fraudulent - W. W. Baggally (1918)

The arcaneformulas or mental alchemy - W. W. Atkinson (1909)

The comingscience - H. Carrington (1901)

The cosmicrelations and immortality Vol. 1 - H. Holt (1919)

The cosmic relationsand immortality Vol. 2 - H. Holt (1919)

The dual mind- H. L. Page (1909)

The evolutionof the soul, and other essays - T. J. Hudson (1904)

The firstfour outline lessons in first book of telepathy - S. A. Gaylor (1892)

The law ofpsychic phenomena, a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism,spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. - T. J. Hudson (1902)

The marvelsbeyond science - being a record of progress made in the reduction of occultphenomena to a scientific basis - J. Grasset (1910)

The mindtelegraph; a treatise on the telepathic influence of the human will - J. B.Stay (1901)

The occultsciences the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 1 - E. Salverte (1847)

The occultsciences the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 2 - E. Salverte (1847)

The openvision - a study of psychic phenomena - H. W. Dresser (1920)

The PerfectCourse Of Instruction In Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, SuggestiveTherapeutics And The Sleep Cure - Masters of the Science (1900)

Thephilosophy of mystery - W. C. Dendy (1841)

The problemsof psychical research; experiments and theories in the realm of the supernormal- H. Carrington (1921)

The psychicand psychism - A. C. Halphide (1901)

The psychicriddle - I. K. Funk (1907)

The realityof psychic phenomena - raps, levitations, etc. - W. J. Crawford (1919)

The shadowworld - H. Garland (1908)

The soul ofthings, or, Psychometric researches and discoveries - W. Denton (1866)

The study oftrance, muscle-reading and allied phenomena in Europe and America - G. M. Beard (1882)

The tongue oftime, and star of the states - a system of human nature, with the phenomena ofthe heavens and earth - J. Comstock (1838)

The use ofclairvoyance in medicine - J. Mill (1857)

The widow'smite and other psychic phenomena - I. K. Funk(1904)

The wondersof thought force - Royal College of Surgeons of England (1902)

Thoughttransference; a critical and historical review of the evidence for telepathy -N. W. Thomas (1905)

Thoughts onthings psychic - W. W. Kenilworth (1911)

Truthsconcerning communication and thought transmission - M. B. Sherrill (1913)

Varieties ofpsychism - J. Wedgwood (1914)

What is instinct- some thoughts on telepathy and subconsciousness in animals - C. B. Newland(1906)

Your mind andhow to use it, a manual of practical psychology - W. W. Atkinson (1911)

Your psychicpowers and how to develop them - H. Carrington (1920)

An absolute mustfor anyone with an interest in telepathy, psychic powers, thought transferenceand mind control – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a verysmall price!

Quick Delivery –Free postage within the UK& combined shipping for all overseas customers!

All of the files arehi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer,laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can readpdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices.

For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free programcalled Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD ifrequested.

Please note that this is a data DVD disc that will contain all of thebooks, documents and material listed in this sale. It will work in a laptopor computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box oraudio CD player.

** Mainphoto is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages fromthe books included on the disc **

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A Traveling Exhibition from Russell Etling Company (c) 2011