Napoleon - An Intimate Portrait

“King Louis XVIII”

“King Louis XVIII”

- c. 1814

An unimaginative and inept ruler, Louis XVIII, wasted little time in reinstituting many of the privileges of the ancient régime after his ascendancy in 1814. When Napoléon escaped from Elba in 1815, the King fled, refusing to even try to defend Paris.

Oil on canvas

Age Porcelain Pipe Bowl, Battle At Leipzig, Napoleon 19.Jahrhundert picture

Age Porcelain Pipe Bowl, Battle At Leipzig, Napoleon 19.Jahrhundert


Antique Porcelain Pipe Bowl, Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon 19th Century picture

Antique Porcelain Pipe Bowl, Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon 19th Century


1813-1913, Germany, Leipzig. Battle of the Nations Big  Medal. 60 mm . picture

1813-1913, Germany, Leipzig. Battle of the Nations Big Medal. 60 mm .


Napoleon 1813 Russia Austria Napoleon coin Alexander Battle Leipzig medal token picture

Napoleon 1813 Russia Austria Napoleon coin Alexander Battle Leipzig medal token


1813-1913, Germany, Leipzig. Battle of the Nations silver  Medal. picture

1813-1913, Germany, Leipzig. Battle of the Nations silver Medal.


1813-1913 Monument to the Battle of Nations Leipzig Germany SILVER Medal picture

1813-1913 Monument to the Battle of Nations Leipzig Germany SILVER Medal


Images © Chalençon
A Traveling Exhibition from Russell Etling Company (c) 2011