Napoleon - An Intimate Portrait

Boat license granted by the Emperor during the Continental Blockade

Boat license granted by the Emperor during the Continental Blockade

- c. 1813

The plan to bring England to its knees by stifling her trade was a good one, but, unfortunately, Europe was much too porous and complex for it to be truly effective. The other problem was that everyone prized English goods. Napoléon sometimes ignored the blockade himself to purchase luxuries for Joséphine.

Engraving with ink on paper

Reutlinger, Paris, Prudhon, actor, circa 1865 vintage cdv albumen print - CD picture

Reutlinger, Paris, Prudhon, actor, circa 1865 vintage cdv albumen print - CD


Oil painting Portrait-of-Empress-Josephine-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Painting picture

Oil painting Portrait-of-Empress-Josephine-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Painting


Oil Portrait-de-Marie-Marguerite-Lagnier-1786-1840-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Paint picture

Oil Portrait-de-Marie-Marguerite-Lagnier-1786-1840-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Paint


Oil painting Portrait-of-the-King-of-Rome-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Painting picture

Oil painting Portrait-of-the-King-of-Rome-Pierre-Paul-Prudhon-Oil-Painting


✒ L.A.S. Jules CLARETIE to Aurelian SCHOLL - Reichenberg Le Bargy Charles Prudhon picture

✒ L.A.S. Jules CLARETIE to Aurelian SCHOLL - Reichenberg Le Bargy Charles Prudhon


71 BRANDON - l'hotel prudhon picture

71 BRANDON - l'hotel prudhon


Images © Chalençon
A Traveling Exhibition from Russell Etling Company (c) 2011